Get involved in SWACUHO by joining a committee!
Browse each committee and find a place YOU fit in. All of the committees listed are integral to the success of SWACUHO. Ask any seasoned professional; getting involved with a committee is one of the best professional development experiences you can get.
The Awards & Recognition Committee provides a way to recognize excellence, service, and contributions to SWACUHO, the housing profession, and institutions represented. Institutions and individuals deserving of special merit are recognized at the annual conference.
Co-Chair Arkansas Tech University |
Co-Chair Texas Woman's University |
The Communications Committee gathers and distributes information to member institutions. The committee oversees SWACUHO's communication efforts and social media accounts.
Co-Chair |
Co-Chair Sam Houston State University |
The Corporate Partnerships Committee works closely with the region's vendors to create an area at the annual conference with institutional and commercial exhibits which are useful and informative to the SWACUHO membership.
Co-Chair |
Co-Chair |
The Diversity & Social Justice Committee ensures that an environment exists within the region that is positive, equitable, respectful, educational, and supportive of people regardless of their national origin, race, color, religion, gender, age, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic background. The committee serves as a resource for programs and articles, awards and recognition for achievements in supporting diversity, conducts regional research, and develops strategies to encourage greater diversity representation in the region.
Co-Chair |
Co-Chair |
The Host Committee Chairpersons are responsible for securing a location for the Annual SWACUHO Conference. The Committee Chairperson is the main contact for coordinating all functions of the conference (i.e. hotel reservations, meeting rooms, meals, and liaising with other SWACUHO committees that work directly with the hotel). It is the Committee Chairpersons’ general responsibility to direct the work of this group.
Co-Chair |
Co-Chair Rose State College |
The Mid-Level Steering Committee offers professional development and networking opportunities for mid-level administrators (such as area coordinators, assistant, and associate directors). In addition to a mid-level roundtable at the annual conference, the committee works to expand mid-level opportunities such as establishing workshops, social events, and soliciting presentations from mid-level staff for the annual conference.
Co-Chair |
Co-Chair |
The Placement Committee is responsible for providing an organized system of bringing candidates and potential employers together. The committee also works to maintain job announcements within housing and food service areas via the SWACUHO website.
Co-Chair |
Co-Chair |
Established to promote staff development and training opportunities for entry-level residence life professionals, this committee coordinates SWACUHO-U (new professionals institute) held each fall. The committee also facilitates the New Professionals Case Study Competition and programming track at the annual conference.
Co-Chair University of Oklahoma |
Co-Chair |
The Program Committee has the charge of creating a conference program with interest sessions of the highest quality and broadest appeal by soliciting topics from all staff levels, identifying and offering programs of value to our members, and selecting keynote speakers who will enhance individual professional development.
Co-Chair East Texas A&M University |
Co-Chair Texas A&M University |
This committee is responsible for studying specific areas of interest to the association and to make recommendations to the Executive Board for implementation, if necessary. The committee also gathers statistical information from member institutions and distributes the results. Member institutions are surveyed on a regular basis concerning services, rates, and other topics of interest.
Chair Baylor University |
The SHO Liaison and their committee encourages greater involvement and facilitates issues of concern to Senior Housing Officers within SWACUHO. The Liaison coordinates the SHO workshop held each fall, the SHO roundtable at the Annual Conference, and forwards feedback on key issues to the Executive Board of SWACUHO.
Don Yackley
University of Houston